Sunday, September 28, 2014

Celtic Courier: Week of Sept. 29- Oct. 3

"Vision to See, Faith to Believe, Courage to Do"

Dear Staff,

We hope you have been enjoying this unbelievable late September weather with your families!  Wow!  It is hard to believe that October arrives this week.  What a beautiful weekend!

Congrats to the Jerome band who got to perform Hang on Sloopy with the OSU Drumline at Darby Friday night! Our band also captured a Grand Championship at Westerville Central Saturday night!  Congrats Brian and Micah!

An update on Working Wednesday.  All three high schools have submitted their Working Wednesday plans that includes our PLC focus specific plans and our supervision plan.   Kim Miller, our new Chief Academic Officer, is continuing to work with the Board of Education to provide this much-needed collaboration time for our high school staffs.  Working Wednesday will not start this week; the next tentative date is Oct. 22 pending board approval. Kim will attend our staff meeting on Oct. 8, and we are so pleased to have her with us.

Please make sure that your same-subject time is still meeting minimum weekly and still devote this Wednesday, Oct. 1 as your same-subject team meeting time.  All team members must commit to meeting from 7:15 AM- 7:45 AM in order to focus collaboratively on assessment of and for learning and common learning targets, and intervention and differentiation, the 4 PLC questions.

We also received 79 PD days for our staff to use as in-school PD collaboration days. Some have already been utilized so please let Kay know if your team would like to collaborate during the school day.  Priority will be given to Math because of their curriculum demands this year and OTES staff.

Thanks to all of you for your input and feedback as we utilized a Google Doc spreadsheet to develop whole-school norms that will now guide all of our work and meetings here at Jerome.  Please add these norms to each agenda and start each same-subject team meeting, each departmental meeting and all other meetings reviewing these three collaboratively developed norms.  What does it mean to be a Celtic staff member?  Here are the norms that will define and guide our work:

1. All team members will come to meetings promptly, stay the entire
meeting and positively contribute to achieve the goal of the meeting.

2. All team members will focus on improving instruction on an ongoing
basis through PLC work.

3. All team members will respect all opinions and ideas and collaborate
regularly with other team members.

Two good resources for collaboration and assessment of and for learning are Assessment for Learning and 20 Collaborative Learning Tips and Strategies for Teachers.

The success of each of us and each of our same-subject teams depends on our mindset, just as it does with our students.  Do you have a fixed mindset or a growth mindset?

This Week:

Monday: #dubchat 7:30-8:30 PM Twitter.  A great way to dialogue with other Dublin educators.

Tuesday: Our first Parent Breakfast of this year will be 7 AM in Guidance.  Our Boys and Girls Golf Teams will both be competing in Sectionals, a big step on their quest to once again win State Championships.  Good luck Craig and CD!

Tuesday is also the deadline to complete your Public School Works training.  We have a lengthy list --as of today almost 40 staff members have not completed all or part of this district-required training.  Please be sure to complete it by the 9/30/14 deadline.  PSW can be accessed from the staff dashboard and is required for every certified and classified staff member.

Wednesday: PLC Same-subject team time 7:15 - 7:45 AM.  Please do not schedule club or organization meetings or review sessions with students during this important time.  It is essential that all teams meet regularly and employ our PLC best practices, adhering to our building norms.

Student Council meets 5th period.

Thursday: IEP/504 discussion facilitated by Mike Aurin 3-4 PM.  Please let Mike know if you are able to attend to gain important information and insights for your special education and 504 plan students.

Mike Aurin provides PD to teachers new to Jerome on 504's and IEP's last Friday morning.  Please try to come to the presentation for all Thursday at 3 PM.  Location TBA.

4- 7:30 PM: Our first Parent-Teacher Conference evening of this year.  PTO will provide dinner.  Please take the initiative to contact your parents for a conference, especially those who received Gold Cards and/or D's or F's at Interims.  Conferences are contractual.  Please contact an administrator if you are not able to attend conferences so that we can give you the guidelines to make-up this time.

Flu shots are also on Thursday.  Contact Barb Bailey for more information.

Looking ahead:

OTES pre-conferences will start this week.  Please be sure to have your self-assessment and professional growth plan completed before your pre-conference.

Oct. 8: Staff Meeting. 7:15 AM in Band Room.  If you have items for the agenda, please let me know.
Also pre-registration for the PSAT.

Oct. 15: PSAT. 2-Hour Delayed Schedule for all non-testing students.  We are testing over 700 students in this important National Merit Qualifying Test.

Oct. 16: Last day of First Quarter.

Oct. 17: No School; Conference Comp Day

Oct. 20: Grades due end of the day.  Please do not schedule tests or big projects late in the quarter so that your grades can be submitted on time and so that students have adequate time to make-up work, etc.

Our IB Juniors enjoyed a great TOK Day at Scioto last Wednesday! Much thanks to Marla and Karen for all of their hard work in planning and facilitating this day and to all of our IB teachers for their dedication and commitment to developing an excellent IB program!
Have a terrific week on our Energy Bus! Remember, as Jon Gordon writes, "Persistence moves you forward toward your destination."


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