Dear Staff,
Every week at Jerome are those moments that reinforce what a special family we have, and this week there were many.
On Take Your Child to Work Day I always love standing back and watching you in your roles as parents. What special teachers and special people you are! We love having your children at Jerome. It also struck me how many children we have had in the 10 years since Jerome opened. Even the tiniest children of 10 ago are now middle schoolers and high schoolers.
We would love to have someone do an online staff "baby" book, with all your children in it now 10 years in to Jerome's history. If you, or someone you know, is into Shutterfly or another online photo service, please let us know. We would like to work with someone to make this happen.
Here are some memories from Take Your Child to Work Day:
Abby Adair and best friend |
Our new Celtic news anchors |
Our tiniest Take Your Child to Work Day Family Member |
Maust family |
Much thanks to Magen Beatty for her leadership in facilitating International Day, one of the best days of the year. The Lion Dancers were a big hit, as always. Thanks to all of you who also took time to organize food and displays from various countries, especially to our World Language Department. It is so wonderful to see how proud our students and their families are to share their culture's food and heritage. To see so many of our students and staff standing in long lines willingly to experience this great event is a tribute to all of you! Thanks!
The Lion Dancers interact with our students. |
Some of our student leaders of International Day. |
French Club's Chocolate and Smores always a hit! |
Thanks again for all of these special memories!
An update-- We only have about 25 staff members signed up so far to help at graduation. The names we have are familiar as they are many of the same people who always work graduation, and we truly appreciate it. We certainly understand that it is hard to give up time from your families on a weekend, but we really need your help. With 130 certified staff, we can certainly have a much bigger turnout to help line up and supervise students, as well as sending a wonderful message of celebration and support to our new students and families about how important and consequential graduation is also to us. If you have not previously attended graduation, or have not in a while, please start a new tradition and habit for yourself. Graduation is May 31 at 1 PM at the Schottenstein Center. Please join us in this terrific family day for our staff, our parents and our students. Please email Kay with your RSVP today.
In terms of staffing and building our master schedule, Tracey Miller let us know that they anticipate determining staffing and posting openings on this Friday. As soon as I hear anything specific to our staffing, I will let the Department Chairs know so that they can proceed with collaboration with you and the admin team on determining teaching assignments for next year.
Please make sure that you have signed all of your Dublin evaluation forms and also your Final Summative Rating form in eTPES. If you are having any problems at all, please let us know and we will help you. It is our job to make this process go as easily as possible for you.
Congrats to Brian Stevens and Jeanne Wohlgamuth for their weekend success in the State Band and State Choir OMEA Large Group Adjudicated Contest. Both our Wind Symphony and Women's Chorale each achieved a Superior Rating in these prestigious events on Saturday. Amazing performances and amazing accomplishments.
If you have a chance, please watch this 60 Minutes story that aired last Sunday. The title is Joy in the Congo and it is powerful segment on how learning in life changes all of us immeasurably. Congo is the poorest country in the world, and this video shows that while the people could be living without joy and hope, they do not because of the power of learning in their lives. While it is not about learning in school, it is about the pursuit of learning in life. It is also a great reminder of how much we all have in life and how blessed we are, even though we do not always appreciate it. You will love it!
Other links you may enjoy--
15 Inspiring Quotes on Passion
"Where all the women are strong, all the men are good-looking and all the children are above average."
This Week--
1. Tuesday: We are running an adjusted bell schedule on Tuesday, the 41-minute afternoon assembly schedule. Dom Tiberi is bringing Maria's Message to our Juniors and Seniors in this assembly. All classes will meet with Juniors and Seniors reporting to the CPA for the assembly. Freshmen and sophomores will have a study hall in their 6th period classroom during the assembly. You are welcome to come to the assembly to support Dom, a former Jerome parent, and hear his important message. You may also use this time to collaborate and work.
Tuesday is also Latino Recognition Night starting at 6 PM at Scioto. Channel 4 ran a great story about this over the weekend. We have a wonderful group of students being recognized.
2. Wednesday: PLC Same-Subject Collaboration Time from 7:15-7:45 AM. All teams are expected to meet, especially as we near exam time. Please continue to work on the 4 -questions and a valid and reliable common exam assessment.
3. Thursday: Dublin Parents of Black Students' Recognition at 7 PM at Coffman. Again, we are proud of our students who are being recognized.
Also Dublin staff Twitter Chat from 8 PM - 9 PM. This has been a wonderful way for Dublin educators to share ideas. This week's topic is on grading, and the majority of participants are Dublin teachers. #dubchat
4. Friday: Final PAC Meeting of year during 5th period. We go to Scioto Park for our year-end picnic so please excuse these students from your classes if at all possible. If someone is behind in their work or has a low grade please let me know and we will make arrangements for them to be in class. Attending this picnic is a privilege.
Looking ahead--
May 6: Baccalaureate 7 PM Indian Run United Methodist Church
May 8: Last Department Chair Meeting. After school at Sankey's.
May 10: Prom at OSU 8 PM - Midnight.
May 13: Senior Awards Night 7 PM Jerome.
May 14 and 15: Master Schedule building at DJ. (We hope!)
May 14: Last Staff Meeting 7:15 AM Band Room
May 14: Orchestra Concert 7 PM
May 15: Band Concert 7 PM
May 16: Annual Spring Fling Picnic during all 3 lunches with entertainment by the Jazz Band
May 16: Senior Dinner at DJ.
May 20: Senior Trip to Cedar Point.
We are still working with the seniors to see what May 19 looks like and will try to keep you in the loop on what we are doing. At this point, I would not plan on having seniors in class on May 19 for the most part, but much of it depends on the seniors themselves and their behaviors and ability to earn privileges.
May 26: Memorial Day, No School
May 27: Mandatory Graduation Practice for all Seniors 1 PM.
Senior Exams: May 21 - May 27.
Underclass Exams: May 28 - June 2.
Graduation: May 31 1 PM Schottenstein Center OSU
Have a terrific week at Jerome!
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