"Vision to See, Faith to Believe, Courage to Do"
Dear Staff,
Happy spring Sunday to you and your families! What a joy it is to find our crocuses in bloom, even with still a little chill in the air.
Thank you so much for all of your positive comments regarding the Celtic Courier and new format. We are excited by the possibilities this two-way communication and engagement offers. Again, in the right margin, you can sign up to receive this directly to your email once a post is made, rather than wait for the all-staff email to be sent. Also, please continue to send your recommendations for Outstanding Educators to follow and to your own blogs so we can all learn from each other.
Congrats to our Orchestra who traveled to New York this week and arrived back today safely. Michelle sent along these photos of their trip. Thanks, Michelle!
What a wonderful week to be a Celtic! Last week, because of your commitment and generosity, Jerome almost doubled its contribution to the District Dodgeball Tourney, and with Emma's Army, the Jerome Staff Team won the Staff Division in the District Tourney. Much thanks to Heidi, Lacey, and the entire staff who helped in some way with the tourney and/or with fundraising. We raised over $2300 with the district raising over $15,000 to benefit Emma, the Rice/Collelo Scholarships, Special Olympics and Olivia's new Coffman Scholarship. Friday was a very proud moment for the entire Dublin community!
This week is also a week to come together as a Jerome family to celebrate our 10 years together. Hard to believe that 10 years ago we were all trying so hard to envision the school that would be created by students, parents and staff. Thursday, April 10, we will have a special spaghetti luncheon during the lunch periods available for purchase for students and staff and we will have anniversary cake free for all. Be sure and visit the cafeteria on Thursday. Thursday from 6-8 PM our Jerome community will come together to celebrate. Jazz Band and Orchestra will perform in the cafeteria and Jerome memorabilia will be set up in the media center.
Much thanks to Diane and Michael for their help in coordinating parents, students and staff in this celebration. We will have balloon animals and a magic act for little Celtics and more refreshments. The new front brick patio and benches will be dedicated in the evening, and other musical groups will also perform. There are one-act plays going on in the CPA. We have reached out to former students, families and staff members and also hope to see old friends as well as future families. We hope you can make it!
This is a challenging time to continue to get students to focus on learning. You may be interested in this article on Student Engagement, with ideas from students on how to increase engagement.
The rest of this week--
Monday-- We will visit the Karrer PTO meeting on Monday at 7 pm to welcome our incoming Karrer families.
Tuesday-- Parent Breakfast in the GIC.
Wednesday-- PLC same-subject team time 7:15 AM- 7:45 AM. Also on Wednesday we have an adjusted bell schedule (the 30-minute afternoon assembly schedule we used on Friday) for our first student election assembly for 9th, 10th and 11th graders only. To maximize class time, we will not start calling students down until the very end of 6th period. Please note that seniors do not attend this assembly and will have a study center during the assembly in your sixth period class since they are not voting on next year's student leader offices. We have never had school-wide democratic elections before nor a campaign assembly so we will evaluate this and see how we move forward next year. Another Celtic first!
Thursday-- Department Chair Meeting at 7:15 AM in the media center. Please send me items for this agenda. Also, school-wide voting in Homeroom for grades 9, 10 and 11. Please be sure to pick up your ballots and also collect them at the end of homeroom.
Anniversary celebration: 6 - 8 PM on Thursday. Classrooms will be open so please put anything away that you do not want disturbed.
Friday-- PAC meeting 5th period.
Looking ahead:
April 14: Celebration of Excellence 7 PM. Much thanks to Ashley Finneran for all of her leadership on this wonderful family night.
April 16: We will visit the Grizzell PTO to welcome incoming Jerome families.
April 17: Senior Meetings periods 2, 4 and 6 by alphabet. We are changing the format of our Senior Meetings. Rather than dividing them by social studies sections that required 14-15 different meetings, we are moving to three larger senior meetings all on one day. We made this change because of OTES post-observations moving now to April and also to have all seniors get the same message on the same day. Seniors A-G Period 2; Seniors H-N Period 4; and Seniors O-Z Period 6. We apologize for disrupting the school day but believe in the importance of informing our seniors on our expectations for ending the year. Chuck Collier will also be a part of each meeting in order to emphasize personal safety. Thank you for your support.
April 17: District Family Night. Please do not assign homework or large projects etc. Thanks.
April 18: No School.
Have a wonderful week! Mine will begin remembering Emma's smile on Friday night!
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