Sunday, May 4, 2014

Celtic Courier: Week of May 5-9

"Vision to See, Faith to Believe, Courage to Do"

We hope you have had a terrific weekend with your families.  This is a special birthday weekend for us as we are celebrating Jennifer's birthday today at Buca's.  She turns 30 on Tuesday!  Life is a blink; I can still remember May 6, 1984 like it was yesterday.  "Life is not about the breaths we take, but about the moments that take our breaths away."  I am so appreciative of the opportunity to be a parent.  It is, hands down, our greatest gift in life.

Happy Teacher Appreciation Week!  We hope you have a wonderful week.  We know PTO has a special breakfast planned and as soon as we get the day confirmed we will let you know.  National Guard will be providing lunch on Friday for all staff members.

We certainly appreciate all of your hard work, commitment and dedication to our students and families every day, and we know our students and families do also.  Thanks so much and we hope you have a wonderful week.

We received some of our staffing on Friday and most departments are staying the same, and I have met with some chairs to confirm their staffing.  Math and Science Departments are two departments we do not have confirmed staffing in and we hope to get that information early this week.  As soon as we hear something we will let the chairs know.

Scheduling sheets from each chair are due Friday.  They will be working collaboratively with you to determine teaching and room assignments.  Please support them in this challenging work.  Rooms especially will be challenging.

I often reflect and read on all of our work as educators, where we have been and where we are going.  That is one reason I asked all of our same-subject teams and singletons to complete a survey last week due on June 2.  I think this short article on Twitter is also thought-provoking for all of us and that you will enjoy reading and reflecting on it: 22 Things We Do as Educators that will Embarrass Us in 25 Years.

This week is also Prom Week.  Much thanks to Diane Murphy and Michael Cook for their amazing work on providing our students with this wonderful opportunity.  As you know, this is also a time where we hope to emphasize safety to our students.  This year we have engaged in a concerted effort with our students and families to ask them to keep themselves safe and to keep their friends safe.  We held a parent meeting early in the year to discuss large parties in the community, have emphasized our co-curricular code, welcoming Dom Tiberi and Maria's Message, and will have a wrecked car parked in front of our school this week.  We also know Teen Institute (thanks Henry Lee) also has some events planned this week to emphasize student positive choices.

Dublin Chief of Police Heinz von Eckartsberg, Jerome SRO Chuck Collier, and Dom Tiberi

Dom Tiberi's message was powerful, and thanks also to Chuck Collier for his emotional testimony.  Dom's parents also attended the assembly as well as some of Dom's close friends and colleagues.  We hope to bring this message regularly to our students.  It is a good reminder for all of us about distracted driving.

Thanks so much for all you have done in the OTES.  Thanks to you we only have about 2 staff members left to finalize and submit.  All others' Final Summative Ratings have been submitted to the State.  Thank you! Thank you!

This Week--

Monday: Happy Cinco de Mayo! Also the start of AP and IB testing.  Much thanks to Mike Aurin, Lisa Bauer, and Karen Kendall-Sperry for all of their work in preparing for administering over 1000 tests! Wow!  Thanks to all of you who have prepared our students so well for success on these important tests!

Tuesday: The start of senior events with Baccalaureate at 7 PM at Indian Run United Methodist Church.

Wednesday: Please plan to join us in the CPA for an extremely brief celebratory staff meeting (5 minutes) at 2:45 PM.  One of our staff members won an award (that they won't know about until then)  and we want to announce and celebrate it!  Please be sure and be there as a Jerome family!

Then you are also invited to College Signing Day at 3 PM in the cafeteria for our student-athletes and their parents.

Thursday: Department Chair last meeting of the year at Sankey's after school.  Please be sure and stop by.  Also invite anyone who is transitioning as a new chair next year.

Friday: Lunch provided by the National Guard for all staff in the Teacher's Lounge.

Saturday: Prom, 8 PM - midnight at OSU Student Union.  Also Casino Night at Dave and Buster's Midnight - 3 AM.

Sunday: Happy Mother's Day!

Looking ahead--

May 12: Board of Education Meeting 7 PM with one of our staff members being recognized.  TBA

May 13: Senior Awards Night 7 PM

May 14 and 15: Master Scheduling Building

May 14: Orchestra Concert 7 PM

May 15: Band Concert 7 PM

May 16: Spring Fling Picnic during all lunches with music provided by Jazz Band.  This would be the best day to inform seniors of their grades and whether they are taking the exam in your course. Seniors who take the AP, IB or have an 80% or higher may exempt the exam in your course.

Also Senior Dinner at 6 PM.

May 19: "Senior Beach Day" and ride your "vehicle" to school day.  These will occur depending on Senior actions between now and then.  This senior class is having a difficult time coming together and so we will see.

May 20: Senior Trip to Cedar Point.  All other seniors will be in class, including athletes who are not able to go to Cedar Point.  Please be sure to try to provide meaningful activities for seniors here on this day as we are requiring them to be at school.  In addition, athletes are required to be in school by OHSAA in order to compete.

Senior Exams: May 21- May 27

May 27: Mandatory graduation practice for all seniors 1 PM

May 28 - June 2: Underclassman Exams

May 31: Graduation at 1 PM at the Schott.  Thanks to those staff who have volunteered to work.  We still need more of you to volunteer so please consider your participation.  We know everyone has family obligations and we have deep appreciation for those of you who are giving up family time to attend, including our secretaries.

Have a terrific first week of May!


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